#conamorebia will be @SatelliteArtShow Miami ’22 (ArtBasel week)

Help bringing #conamorebia to PerformanceIsAlive at SatelliteArtShow during Art Basel Week!

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Help bring “conamorebia” to to PerformanceIsAlive at SatelliteArtShow during Art Basel Week!

Thanks a Million, Grazie!

Read about the project:

“conamorebia” means “withlovebia”, with love from Bia, Bianca Falco, the artist., is an ongoing project, received the City Artist Corps Grant, presented by The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA), with support from the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME) as well as Queens Theatre. 

“conamorebia” is a performance where the passers-by/audience can choose to participate in various forms or be just a spectator. Bianca will operate a portable mini photo printer. She will offer the audience to participate to the performance by choosing a photo to be printed on the spot. The photo should represent a person, or something, they lost or longed for during the pandemic. The audience/passer-by can then just watch or interact with the performer while he/she performs expressing whatever feeling the image evokes. Bianca wishes to create a ritual of sorts: to mourn, to rebuild, to hope and to regain some emotional closeness with fellow humans. In the hope to acknowledge what we were before the pandemic, accept what we are in the present and embrace what we hope to be in the future. Hopefully in collecting images humans can delve into their own roots and emotions, they can choose to join the dance or even express themselves as a family/friends group to express a collective memory/hope. The research, collecting images, movements, can be done in the studio where people are welcome to join the process on set dates and times and/or while Bianca roams the city to meet the community. The ultimate goal is to produce a video dance of the process and an installation with all the printed photos, place, space and date TBD. The performance is inspired by my brother’s passing in 2020. He passed because of Covid in Italy. I wish to have a hopeful feeling coming from the performance. As a child abuse survivor and sickle cell/thalassemia trait person, Art saved my life. I am from Napoli, one of the most creative, challenging cities. Through dance, I learned that I could transcend difficulties through translating them into movement. I hope to lead everyone to a different perception and place, where limitations are beautiful and a key for people to get together and find solutions to social issues as well as personal ones.”